I was going to take screen shots and post them up, but as the conversation has worn on, that's just not a viable option at this point. I've copy/pasted everything you see here from a conversation I had with an abortionist on my Facebook messenger. Keep up the good fight, friends! We're winning!!
Conversation started Friday
Linda Flowers
12/27, 7:36pm
Linda Flowers
1.) "fetus" is not a different species, but only a stage of development through which a human organism/human being goes.
2.) Consciousness and awareness are irrelevant to what an organism is or who they are.
3.) "...a fetus starts at fertilization..." Wrong. Are you sure you didn't sleep through school? After fertilization occurs, a blastocyst is created, which is *still* a new human organism. This is during the embryonic stage. A human being doesn't reach the fetal stage of development until around 9 weeks gestation. However, at EVERY point in development, a human organism remains a human organism. Being a human doesn't start at birth. At no point in our development do we change species.
4.) "I help women protect themselves..." How exactly do you do that? When I was pregnant by my abusive partner who was trying to get me to abort our daughter, how exactly would you helping to scrape me out so he could go right back to raping me every day "protect" me? Not to mention how would being killed in utero "protect" my now 11 year old daughter, who is a young woman herself? Oh, and speaking of my now 11 year old daughter...
5.) "...and I help keep unwanted babies from being born." By killing them. How nice of you. However, everyone who is conceived is born, you just help prevent them from being born alive. They're still born dead. You're not doing them any favors. If you doubt me, feel free to ask my now 11 year old daughter who was "unwanted" at the time of her conception how she feels about the prospect of having been denied her life by me or her father simply because we weren't ready to have her when she was conceived.
6.) I'm sorry you feel as though depriving others-very young children, I might add-of their lives is "doing the right thing." You're depraved.
7.) "I am helping women safely remove a mistake." Other people-our children, once again, to be precise-are not "mistakes" to be "removed".
8.) I look forward to hearing back from you. Perhaps you can have a conversation with one of these "unwanted babies" you look down upon and help kill for a living.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 8:50pm
Anne-Marie Morin
Call me a murderer if it makes you feel good. I love my life.
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:16pm
Linda Flowers
I don't think I called you a murderer, did I? Abortion is legal, So by definition you are not. However, by definition, you are homicidal.
And for the record, if you gave them the chance instead of killing them, the children you execute would love THEIR lives, too. My daughter loves hers.
But I don't expect a sociopath to empathize with others. It's beyond their capacity to try and think of the welfare of others. Even children.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:21pm
Anne-Marie Morin
Wow, so now I execute??
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:23pm
Linda Flowers
Execute: 2.
carry out a sentence of death on (a legally condemned person).
abortion is legal, and has turned our own mothers into judge and jury, so that makes you the executioner.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:26pm
Anne-Marie Morin
Then so be it I am an executioner. I've head a mother change her mind during the procedure and attack me so
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:27pm
Linda Flowers
But this isn't all about you. As you might have noticed, what I emphasize in my Pro-life activism is the reason I joined the movement in the first place. The life of my daughter, Which should have been protected by law at every age and stage of development. No matter what I would have preferred, No matter what would have benefited me.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:28pm
Anne-Marie Morin
so the fact that this woman attacked me is okay?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:30pm
Linda Flowers
Well, she WAS trying to protect the life of her child, who you were trying to kill.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:31pm
Anne-Marie Morin
she had asked me!!! They she took the tools I uses and started to attack me!?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:33pm
Linda Flowers
So? If someone asked you to shoot their toddler in the face, Would you do it? And don't you think them asking you to do so would be indicative of a severe mental problem?
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:34pm
Anne-Marie Morin
so it gives her the right to use my equipment to attack me???
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:37pm
Linda Flowers
Yeah. She was trying to save her child from you. As a matter of fact, I would love to see you press charges on that attack and have it go to trial with the defense of her child's life as her defense. How old is the kid you tried to kill now? Or were you ultimately successful?
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:38pm
Anne-Marie Morin
no I was not sucessfull....he is 12 months...I will admit that she got me down and started to use the equipment I use....felt premeditated to me
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:39pm
Linda Flowers
I'm an atheist, So you won't be getting any "love the sinner"- type b.s. from me.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:39pm
Anne-Marie Morin
so the fact that she broke my ankle, three of my toes and 4 fingers is fine?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:40pm
Linda Flowers
Good. Like I said, press charges. Take it to trial. I dare you.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:40pm
Anne-Marie Morin
you know I won't
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:40pm
Linda Flowers
You got out of it a lot easier than her kid would have if you'd been successful.
Yeah, I know you won't.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:41pm
Anne-Marie Morin
Linda, she used the clamps I use to crushed and pulled my fingers until they snapped....and she did that to my toes too....trust me...it was not easy
I was off work for 4 months
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:43pm
Linda Flowers
HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA! Awesome! Too bad you weren't out of work longer. Think about all the kids who met their end between those clamps. Good on her! You just made my day, lady!
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:44pm
Anne-Marie Morin
what does having those babies being killed by those clamps have to do with it??
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:45pm
Linda Flowers
Justice. I'm glad you got to feel a fraction of what you do to children for a living.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:46pm
Anne-Marie Morin
and had she killed me?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:48pm
Linda Flowers
I'm seriously disgusted by you. I despise you. You would have gladly taken money from me at my darkest hour to end the life of my child who sits before me happily watching cartoons and weaving crafts, and you seem proud to do so. I could vomit right now, truly.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:49pm
Anne-Marie Morin
of course I would have.....it's money!!
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:50pm
Linda Flowers
It apparently wasn't necessary to kill you to protect her child, So no, I would not support such actions.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:50pm
Anne-Marie Morin
and i would have done so with respect to your body
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:50pm
Linda Flowers
But mostly for my money. Lol
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:50pm
Anne-Marie Morin
so she cripples me??? now I walk with a permanant limp
I would have taken your fetus out with respect for YOUR body not your money
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:52pm
Linda Flowers
I'm not stupid. I know it's all about the money. My mom used to work for an Ob/Gyn who did abortions. She kept his books. Big money.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:52pm
Anne-Marie Morin
and at the end you would have paid me and thanked me
Its true, I am very well off
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:54pm
Linda Flowers
That is SO irrelevant, because you can talk about "respect" and "fetuses" all you want, but I'm looking at a young lady right now who would have been killed for your payday, and that is absolutely repugnant.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:55pm
Anne-Marie Morin
why, it would have gotten me a new pair of boots or something
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:56pm
Linda Flowers
Oh, you're trolling now. So much for constructive dialogue.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:56pm
Anne-Marie Morin
And I'll admit when the mother started to argue, I tried to continue
You are right about the boot comment, i am sorry
Linda Flowers
12/27, 9:58pm
Linda Flowers
I doubt it. I doubt you're capable of feeling sorry for anything.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 9:59pm
Anne-Marie Morin
No it was uncalled for, I acknolwedge that.....and I am being honest with you...I did try to continue when she started to panic
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:00pm
Linda Flowers
And you don't think about the child who you tried to kill who is alive right now and regret that you tried to kill him/her? No remorse whatsoever?
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:01pm
Anne-Marie Morin
I won't lie to you
I regret letting her grab the clamps from me
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:03pm
Linda Flowers
Okay. You're a sociopath, And you need to be put away somewhere with white coats.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:04pm
Anne-Marie Morin
Its a job Linda....would I wish pain on a living child? Never!!! But that day a much smaller and younger mother turned the tables on me
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:05pm
Linda Flowers
I doubt your whole story, though. Unless you're a nurse practitioner in California, what you claim to do would be illegal.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:05pm
Anne-Marie Morin
No...I am in Canada....what part do you mean?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:06pm
Linda Flowers
But they are ALL living children, pain is irrelevant, because dead is dead, whether or not it hurts when someone kills you.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:07pm
Anne-Marie Morin
Ohhh I see what you mean....I mean once the child is born, he/she must be protected at all cost
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:10pm
Linda Flowers
Why? If before that point, you don't give a shit about them, Why bother caring at all? They are the same organism before AND after birth. Just older/larger/more developed. Why care about them ever, at all, if you're killing them when they're younger?
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:10pm
Anne-Marie Morin
They are not born....they are not children....they are fetuses
Would you like to know how many abortions I have performed in my career so far?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:14pm
Linda Flowers
But they ARE children, by definition. The children I have right now are the same organisms they have ALWAYS been. There was never some magical pixie dust moment when they were switched out for "actual children"
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:15pm
Anne-Marie Morin
Thats were we disagree....You would act very differently if I should up and looked at your kids now that if I did when you were pregnant
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:16pm
Linda Flowers
an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
a person's child or children.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:16pm
Anne-Marie Morin
lol okay
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:17pm
Linda Flowers
No, that's not just where we disagree, it's where you're wrong. See the above definitions.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:17pm
Anne-Marie Morin
IF it is true that we agree that no one shoud ever hurt anyone else....why is okay that the mother did that to me?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:17pm
Linda Flowers
Because you were trying to kill someone, And she had to stop you.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:18pm
Anne-Marie Morin
But I was just doing my job!
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:19pm
Linda Flowers
Get a job that doesn't involve killing children, then?
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:20pm
Anne-Marie Morin
But in that case, that was my job...and she overpowered me, beat me and did those things with the clamp
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:21pm
Linda Flowers
"I was just doing my job." Has been the failed excuse of the unjust for centuries.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:21pm
Anne-Marie Morin
Perhaps, but she beat me and toutured me!!!
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:22pm
Linda Flowers
Nobody put a gun to your head and made you continue to try and kill her child after she asked you to stop.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:23pm
Anne-Marie Morin
thats true....the law says that when I start the procedure I need to end it.....and its true that I wanted to,,,,
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:34pm
Anne-Marie Morin
You there?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:36pm
Linda Flowers
Yeah. What do you want me to say? Congrats, you kill children for a living, but want me to boo-hoo over your poor little ankle and your poor little fingers? Sorry. I'm done with you now.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:36pm
Anne-Marie Morin
why? i thought we could discuss?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:37pm
Linda Flowers
Well, what else is there to discuss?
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:37pm
Anne-Marie Morin
How with what you say you believe, her doig that to me was fair
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:38pm
Linda Flowers
I fight for the right to live of children like my daughter. You fight for your ability to kill children like her for money. We're done here.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:38pm
Anne-Marie Morin
And answer me this,,,,who will win...me or you?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:39pm
Linda Flowers
America’s Youth is More Pro-Life Than Ever Before | SBA-List
According to recent polling by Gallup, a growing amount of America’s youth is becoming anti-abortion and more pro-life. According to Gallup’s polling, people between the ages of 18 to 29 are the most likely to be against abortion in any case, showing that the next wave of voters and activists will b...
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:39pm
Linda Flowers
Us. We will win.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:39pm
Anne-Marie Morin
And what will happen to me?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:39pm
Linda Flowers
It helps that I'm just making more people to be on my side, rather than killing them off.
You'll hopefully go to an institution for the criminally insane where you can learn to put the welfare of others before your ability to make money.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:40pm
Anne-Marie Morin
You want to know something I wasn't going to admit?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:40pm
Linda Flowers
Sure, wtf ever. Why not.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:41pm
Anne-Marie Morin
My clinic is closing......and I am not being transfered
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:42pm
Linda Flowers
Great! That is AWESOME news!
Once you dig down and find your humanity again, try that link I sent you to "And Then There Were None".
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:43pm
Anne-Marie Morin
NOT for me it isn't....your group is getting girls before they walk in and showing them videos
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:43pm
Linda Flowers
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:43pm
Anne-Marie Morin
It's not fair Linda....
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:43pm
Linda Flowers
I wish I could show my daughter to EVERYONE who is in a tough situation like I was and let them know that they don't have to kill their children, because things will get better and they can be happy and alive.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:44pm
Anne-Marie Morin
I was sure my wide would win......
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:44pm
Linda Flowers
Injustice can never prevail.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:45pm
Anne-Marie Morin
But I work hard at what I do....at referals etc....
but your group just wins all the time
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:46pm
Linda Flowers
Umm...go work hard somewhere else. Go do something worthwhile instead of being a hit-woman.
My mom left her job as a bookkeeper for a doctor she loved and respected because she wasn't going to be a part of him killing children anymore.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:46pm
Anne-Marie Morin
But I am good at what I do,,,,,I cannot beieve we are closing
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:46pm
Linda Flowers
Being good at doing something bad is still bad.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:47pm
Anne-Marie Morin
You know that you groups stands there and laughs at me now that they know?
And they enjoy sending me calcellation notices for clients I had booked
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:48pm
Linda Flowers
Okay...I happen to be the patron saint of schadenfreude. You're looking for sympathy from the wrong person.
Every cancellation notice is a child who gets to keep on living.
And that. Is. WONDERFUL.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:49pm
Anne-Marie Morin
ANd the income i lose? The career I worked so hard on?
and why send it to me!?!!
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:51pm
Linda Flowers
Because, maybe they think there is still a human being inside you, and one day, you'll look at one of those cancellation notices, and realize that that is another human being that gets to live because they got away from you, and perhaps you will be as horrified as they are that you were going to kill that child.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:51pm
Anne-Marie Morin
thats not what I feel when I see that though!?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:52pm
Linda Flowers
Keep digging until you find that human being inside yourself, then.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:52pm
Anne-Marie Morin
You called me a hitwoman...what the hello am I without my patience?
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:52pm
Linda Flowers
For the children who get away from you and get to live, a success story.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:53pm
Anne-Marie Morin
and for me????
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:53pm
Linda Flowers
It's sad that you can't be happy for them. It's sad that you can't look at those living children and be happy for them.
The world does not revolve around you. I learned that as a child, growing up poor as the oldest of 6 children in my family.
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:54pm
Linda Flowers
So, when I was poor, homeless, abused, and wound up pregnant which meant I would have to quit my job in order to protect the child I was carrying, I realized that I would just have to find a way to make due, because the world doesn't revolve around me, and killing is not a solution to a problem.
Anne-Marie Morin
12/27, 10:54pm
Anne-Marie Morin
I do work tomorrow so I'll call it a night,,,,,I do appreciate your honesty
Linda Flowers
12/27, 10:55pm
Linda Flowers
And I yours. Good luck digging and finding that human being inside yourself. I think maybe she might still be there. I hope she is. Goodnight.
Anne-Marie Morin
Anne-Marie Morin
I went today do I guess your wish didn't come true!
Linda Flowers
Linda Flowers
If I believed in wishes coming true, I wouldn't be an atheist.
Anne-Marie Morin
Anne-Marie Morin
Fair enough. But what you hoped for then did not coke true. I had one woman come in today.
Linda Flowers
Linda Flowers
Well, that's better than 5.
You do realize that these children of women in crisis grow up eventually, right? And once they know the circumstances of their conception, they're pretty vehemently against abortion (usually)...
Linda Flowers
Linda Flowers
I mean, it was a hard conversation to have with my daughter, to tell her what her father had wanted me to do to her, and how crappy my life was back then. But once she found out, she's been telling all her classmates about abortion and what it is and what it does, and how terrible it is, and that's not anything I've encouraged her to do, that's just her taking a stand for a situation that's affected her personally in the past.
Linda Flowers
Linda Flowers
Your livelihood isn't going to last with kids like that in the world. They won't allow it.
Anne-Marie Morin
Anne-Marie Morin
You never know.
Linda Flowers
Linda Flowers
I just don't understand someone who would want to use their education and talents to harm rather than heal.
Anne-Marie Morin
Anne-Marie Morin
I heal the mothers. Don't forever that.
Linda Flowers
Linda Flowers
No, killing a mother's child isn't "healing" her.
Anne-Marie Morin
Anne-Marie Morin
It is if that fetus is not wanted.
Linda Flowers
Linda Flowers
Just because a child is unwanted by his/her parent(s) at a certain point in their lives doesn't mean the child will ALWAYS be so. But they'll never know how much they could have grown to love that child, because you take that opportunity away from them. That's hurtful.

Born and raised on the Left Coast in California, transplanted to the Mid-South before it was too late. A moderate staring on in horror at the cesspool her place of birth has become, urging Mother Nature to flush twice, and attempting to spare the rest of the nation from a similar fate through the awesome power of her rants and raves.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
What *DO* They Mean By "Choice"?
They're so fond of euphemisms, aren't they?! The sheer amount of rationalization-OBVIOUS rationalization-from their side actually rather concerns me, oftentimes. If a person can apply this level of carelessness and sometimes even animosity to a truly neutral, completely innocent child, it makes me wonder what they're capable of when applying their rationalization techniques to others. You know-people who cut them off in traffic. People who take the last doughnut when they reeeaaally reeeaaally wanted one. Kinda makes me ponder why most of them tend to want strict gun control enforced. I imagine if they're capable of killing their own children, they probably wouldn't mix well with guns and a bunch of targets with axes to be ground. Unfortunately they don't realize that not everyone views killing as a legitimate course of action.
Coming from such a large family as I do, with the background in Biology that I have, it's hard to fathom that ANYONE can attempt to champion killing children and then trying to pawn it off as "justice", but that is exactly what these people do. A more deluded group I've never seen. Self-soothers engaging in newspeak rationalization with their logical gymnastics and verbal binkies and blankies.
"not a child"
"terminating a pregnancy"
"not killing"
"saved my life"
"not actual people"
"my body"
"lump of cells"
"non-living tissue"
"reproductive healthcare"
They close their eyes to the biological reality I've dedicated a good part of my life towards studying. They twist themselves in moral knots concocting some "Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers"-esque scenario which takes the "clump" through some sort of mystical tunnel to be replaced by what they imagine is a child post-birth. It's like they're playing the Freeze-Tag of ethics, where anything goes with another human being as long as they're in a certain state, but once they pass out of their mother they've touched base, no tag-backs. Who would've thought that a child-like propensity for magical thinking would give way to the slaughter behind and before us. Roughly 55 million dead in their wake. A misbehaved child-like demeanor of "Me, Me, My, My, MINE, MINE! MY BODY! MY LIFE! I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO MATTERS!!!" once grown has room for no other children to bother it.
Elective abortion is the willful premature termination of a pregnancy with the intent of killing the child within. The CHILD. The offspring of two sexually-mature individuals is their CHILD, which stands if the CHILD is an embryo at a week old or a grown woman of 50 years. This is what they don't want to hear. This is what the "Choice" that they celebrate means. It's the celebration of death, and today on my birthday, I will spend it with my daughter who those around me wanted dead in this procedure called abortion, and together we will celebrate LIFE.
Coming from such a large family as I do, with the background in Biology that I have, it's hard to fathom that ANYONE can attempt to champion killing children and then trying to pawn it off as "justice", but that is exactly what these people do. A more deluded group I've never seen. Self-soothers engaging in newspeak rationalization with their logical gymnastics and verbal binkies and blankies.
"not a child"
"terminating a pregnancy"
"not killing"
"saved my life"
"not actual people"
"my body"
"lump of cells"
"non-living tissue"
"reproductive healthcare"
They close their eyes to the biological reality I've dedicated a good part of my life towards studying. They twist themselves in moral knots concocting some "Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers"-esque scenario which takes the "clump" through some sort of mystical tunnel to be replaced by what they imagine is a child post-birth. It's like they're playing the Freeze-Tag of ethics, where anything goes with another human being as long as they're in a certain state, but once they pass out of their mother they've touched base, no tag-backs. Who would've thought that a child-like propensity for magical thinking would give way to the slaughter behind and before us. Roughly 55 million dead in their wake. A misbehaved child-like demeanor of "Me, Me, My, My, MINE, MINE! MY BODY! MY LIFE! I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO MATTERS!!!" once grown has room for no other children to bother it.
Elective abortion is the willful premature termination of a pregnancy with the intent of killing the child within. The CHILD. The offspring of two sexually-mature individuals is their CHILD, which stands if the CHILD is an embryo at a week old or a grown woman of 50 years. This is what they don't want to hear. This is what the "Choice" that they celebrate means. It's the celebration of death, and today on my birthday, I will spend it with my daughter who those around me wanted dead in this procedure called abortion, and together we will celebrate LIFE.
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